Be Prepared! A Checklist of Items to Keep at Your Fingertips

While you may be completely comfortable supervising your class in the school building, taking your students outside their environment can become a teacher’s worst nightmare if not prepared.  Field trips are meant to be fun-filled and educational adventures, and proper planning is key.  Here’s a checklist of items to help make your field trip a more manageable and pleasant experience.  

√ Bandages / first-aid kit – bring plenty!  Accidents happen.

√  Children’s medications – some students may need medications while on the trip.

√  Wet wipes and hand sanitizers – a must especially when bathrooms are not accessible!  

√  Classroom roster – for head counts before and after boarding the bus & before leaving any site.  

√  Pictures of each student – in case a student gets lost!  

√  Phone list – numbers for the school, parents, the place you are visiting, cell phone numbers of chaperones (in case of separation)  

√  Itinerary - to keep up with groups and to stay on target.  Don’t forget your watch!

√  Cell Phone – teachers need to stay in touch any time; also in case a call to 911 is necessary

√  Zip-lock bags – if you need to make collections ie: rock collecting, fossil digging, while on the trip.  Labels may be needed too!


√  Ice chest – if bringing lunches, and to keep things cold.


√  Snacks - in case something happens to a lunch. Bottled water is also good to have.   


√  Art materials and notebook paper – in the event you want students to sketch or take notes on what they see.  Be sure to bring enough pencils or crayons for use.  Rubberbands are also handy.


√  Tape recorder, camera, video – recording information can help later when students are working on projects based on the field trip.


√  Extra money – Be sure to have extra change and bills available for students who may need to borrow money.  Also good to have for emergencies.


√  Waterproof blankets – nifty waterproof blankets are convenient if you are having a picnic. Or plastic tablecloths for picnic tables.


√  Tote Bag – to carry important items around. Keep it light!