Is Your Family Ready for a *Safer* Summer 2024?

The swim and water safety experts at Goldfish Swim School share practical tips for families in honor of National Water Safety Awareness Month.

Summer is around the corner and families need to review swim and water safety basics. Drowning is the number one cause of injury-related death for children ages one to four and the summer months (May-August) account for two-thirds of annual childhood drowning incidents.

We asked the swim and water safety experts at Goldfish Swim School to share key water safety tips with us in honor of National Water Safety Awareness Month:

  • Enroll in Swim Lessons: Consistent, high quality swim lessons can reduce the risk of childhood drowning by 88%.

  • Swap Out Floaties & Puddle Jumpers for U.S. Coastguard-Approved Lifejackets: Floaties and puddle jumpers give children a false sense of security in the water. They can easily come loose or deflate and they teach children to float in a vertical position which is the opposite of how our bodies actually float.

  • Seek out Bright Colored Swimwear: Choose swimsuits with bright colors. They will stand out in the water and make it easier to spot a swimmer in need of help.

  • Designate a Water Guardian: Designate an adult “Water Guardian” and be sure to change guardians every 30 minutes so he/she is alert and refreshed. Vigilance is key – no chatting, no checking your phone, no distractions.

With 10 locations throughout New Jersey, Goldfish Swim School provides swim instruction to children ages 4 months to 12 years-old. Visit the website for more information and to book a free trial swim lesson: