NJ KIDS (njkidsonline.com) fuses a mix of digital campaigns, email marketing, social media and traditional advertising to make impactful marketing campaigns. Our mission is to connect families across New Jersey to great resources. Our goal is to "provide great ideas for New Jersey families". From our online directories, event calendar, community e-news, and parenting tips to our family friendly guides to family fun, camps, schools and travel, NJ KIDS offers "at a glance" ideas to help you through all stages of your child’s life. We’ve been a trusted online source since 2004, and we have a strong network within the NJ community.
1. Click here for Digital Ad Specifications
2. Click here for Enewsletter Samples
3. Submit an event for our online CALENDAR - if you are an advertiser, we encourage and will promote your events (must be open to the public).
QUICK LINKS TO ADVERTISE: Niche Advertising Campaigns
Digital Marketing Packages 2025
Print and Digital Marketing Packages 2025
For Camp Directors: Get 2025 Camp Digital Combo Packages
For Group Sales: Get 2025 Field Trip Media Rate Sheet
For Special Needs: Get 2025 Special Needs Media Rate Sheet
NJKIDSONLINE.com uses tools like an extensive event calendar, relevant articles and an active Facebook community to integrate your business, product or event into our user' experience. We have helped hundreds of businesses of all sizes launch their startup, or new programs offerings throughout our 20 years of business. We want to be your partner.
Our solutions include:
A MULTIMEDIA APPROACH - you will find a variety of ways to interact with our family-focused audience
PREPACKAGED CAMPAIGNS - prepackaged campaigns are great for businesses that knows what they need. Designed to reach users with a variety of marketing avenues, at discounted combo rates.
CUSTOM AD CAMPAIGNS - Perfect for new advertiser, or when you want to put extra emphasis on your business or event.
NICHE, FOCUSED AND TARGETED - We strive to be the most targeted medium, reaching NJ families and bringing them ideas that they are need and want. We're all about kids and family and have been consistent with our mission since 2004.
NJ KIDS ON THE GO! editions include Classes, Schools, Childcare, Enrichment and other resources
Our digest-sized print publications (“the little book”) are distributed in print five times a year and monthly via digital edition; we distribute/mail 300K copies to readers and mailed to over 1,000 locations. Every copy cross-promotes our website and advertisers. They are picked up and held onto as a resource guide for parents. “I look forward to the print book... there's something about holding something tangible and having a resource in hand; I see it everywhere".
A glossy digest size guide produced in connection with the NJ Camp Fairs held in January and February. The Camp Guide is distributed in the community, before, during and after the camp fairs, and the e-book is distributed via email and placed on the website. The handy Guide features sleep-away camps, traditional day camps and specialty camps such as sports. arts, academic, STEM, performing arts, as well as accredited ACA camps.
A glossy digest size guide DIRECTLY MAILED to over 4000 schools, camps, recreation departments, scouts, and distributed to libraries and given out specific events (including Teachers Convention, PTO expos, camp fairs). The guide is directed at directors (recreation, camp, scouts), school administrators, teachers and PTO/PTA who are responsible for group sales, student group trips and in-house assemblies. Included are museums and aquariums, nature centers, historical destinations, traveling programs, entertainers, sports venues, rental companies, art/culture/theater venues. and fundraising ideas.
A glossy digest size guide DIRECTLY MAILED to preschool, elementary and middle schools, both private and public schools. They are also distributed to doctors’ offices and other health care professionals. It provides resources, programs and outlets to special needs families. It is filled with educational programs, schools, professional services, enrichment programs, sensory fun activities, seminars and things to do throughout New Jersey and its surrounding areas.
PARTY GUIDE - digital
Our Party Guide is published in November and December in conjunction with our monthly NJ KIDS publications. This digital edition is delivered digitally and contains a dedicated party section with party venues, entertainers and ideas for birthdays, bar/bat mitzvahs and other celebrations.
FUN GUIDE - included in NJ Kids On the Go editions
Our Jersey Fun Guide includes 4 seasons of fun attractions, fun things to do, and places to go.
Business Directory - Quick Links to our Targeted Campaigns: