Explore the Planets, Sky, Sun, Moon and Solar System...
Attention Virtual Field Trips Teachers, Principals, and Science Supervisors, contact the Planetarium at Raritan Valley Community College (RVCC) to schedule virtual field trips for your students. While their physical buildings remain closed for now, they are still available to all their friends. Experience virtual field trips through platforms like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet. Weekly Star Talks on RVCC's YouTube channel. Astronomy news and pictures taken through their telescopes can be found on Facebook and Instagram.
Online Programs
These programs are led by a live Planetarium Educator and include time for Q&A at the end. Fee: $75 for a class (up to 30 students) Programs run approximately 45 minutes.
- Rockin' Rocket Ride: This popular show has an online version. Go on an adventure into space to learn about the Sun, Moon, and planets. (Grades Prek-K)
- To the Moon and Back: This begins with a story about the Moon, then watch the Moon change shape in our virtual sky, and pretend to be astronauts who can travel there.(Grades PreK-2)
- Cosmic Address: Explore where you live in the Universe. (Grades K-4, Middle School and High School version coming soon)
- Our Solar System: Go on a tour of the planets in our solar system. (Grades K-12)
- Tonight's Sky: Identify stars and constellations you can see tonight and learn some constellation stories that go along with them. (Grades K-12)
- Patterns in the Sky The Sun: Observe the Sun's rising and setting positions through the year. (Grades 2-12)
- Patterns in the Sky The Moon: Why and how does the Moon's shape change? (Grades 2-12)
- True or False, Astronomy Version: Some statements seem obvious, but are they? Explore statements like "brighter stars are closer to us" and "the Moon is only visible at night." (Grades 5-12)
For information or questions, visit RVCC Planetarium, email planet@raritanval.edu, call 908.231.8805. The Planetarium is located at 118 Lamington Road in Branchburg, NJ.
For more amazing videos, don't forget to check out RVCC Planetarium YouTube Channel...
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