The Winston School of Short Hills - Summer on the Hill Day Camp

Looking for an Individualized Academic Summer Program?
Winston's Summer on the Hill offers a balanced camp experience with both academic and enrichment opportunities for children. We offer specialized programming and a flexible schedule. Our camp instructors are highly trained in a variety of multisensory programs and techniques. They are able to individualize and differentiate their instruction to meet students where they are and help them grow as learners. Summer on the Hill day camp aims to offer students the opportunity to maintain skills acquired in their previous school year and sharpen their skills for the fall. Inquiries are welcome!
• Campers Grade 1st - 8th
• Monday - Thursday
• 9:30AM - 2:30PM
• Morning Academic Focus
• Afternoon Activities and Fun
• Simply Gourmet Lunch Options
• Rolling Enrollment All Summer!
• Early Drop-Off Available
The Winston School of Short Hills, a private school for students in grades 1-8 who have language-based learning differences. Founded in 2010, Summer on the Hill provides academic support in an engaging and relaxed environment. Winston’s teachers are trained in instructing children who may have a range of learning differences that include but are not limited to dyslexia, ADHD, dyscalculia, and executive functioning.
For more details, visit Summer on the Hill, call 973.379.4114 or email
Visit our booth from 12pm - 3pm at the 2025 NJ Camp Fairs
Sat, Jan 25, 2025 @ Learning Center at the Turtle Back Zoo (Essex County)