New Jersey State House Tour Program

Social Studies & History Field Trip for Students
MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY (excluding holidays)
Visit the New Jersey State House and discover the state’s most historic public building. The State House is on both the National and State Registers of Historic Places. Reservations are accepted on a first-come basis. Attendance limits include adults. Tours and programs meet NJ Core Curriculum Social Studies Standards. Book your reservation at
State House Tour
• Grades: 3–12
• Monday–Friday
• Attendance limit: 50
• Length: 60 minutes
Visit the Senate and General Assembly Chambers and view historic spaces, art and architecture. Students learn how laws are made and the citizen’s role in the process.
Consider adding additional programs:
• Grades: 3–12
• Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
• Attendance limit: 45
• Minimum Attendance: 15
• Length: 30-45 minutes
Students assume the role of lawmakers and learn the process of bill passage by demonstrating the skills of debate, negotiation and compromise.
Online Classroom
Our distance learning program makes it possible to experience a Make-A-Law! lesson right in your own classroom. Through the use of specially designed news segments and video conferencing a Tour Office educator beams into your classroom to provide the lawmaking experience in real time.
Learn more and book your reservation at