Presby Memorial Iris Gardens

This living museum, listed on the State and National Registers of Historic Sites, offers a spectacular display of thousands of iris varieties to visitors from all over the world. Located at the base of the 7 1/2 acre Mountainside Park, the iris gardens contain over 10,000 irises of approximately 3,000 varieties and produce over 100,000 blooms over the course of the season. Visitors can see by the arching slope of the garden beds why Presby is often referred to as the “rainbow on the hill”.
We have 26 beds containing bearded irises. Nine beds running along the creekbed contain our collection of non-bearded Siberian, Japanese and Louisiana irises. The median collection, also known as the “minis”, are located in beds along the fence by Upper Mountain Avenue.
We have 26 beds containing bearded irises. Nine beds running along the creekbed contain our collection of non-bearded Siberian, Japanese and Louisiana irises. The median collection, also known as the “minis”, are located in beds along the fence by Upper Mountain Avenue.