Ability School

Ability School is a private school for Pre-k through middle school servicing children in Bergen County, NJ
The mission is to assist students in becoming productive, highly motivated, self-paced learners who are able to take the knowledge gained in the classroom and translate it into action in the real world to good effect and success.
Ability School stresses a thorough grounding in the basics from which all future learning arises. Students achieve literacy both in written and verbal communication as reading, writing and language skills develop throughout the student’s schooling. Students are expected to become proficient in math and attain an understanding and appreciation for science, the social sciences, the arts and life skills such as ethics and manners. The passing grade for academic requirements is 100%. Ability School uses a very precise technology that teaches the student how to study thus enabling the child to really understand and apply the material learned. Further, students are on individualized programs and progress at their own pace.
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