Allaire State Park

Located on the New Jersey coastal plain, one-third of the park lies south of the Manasquan River and is on the northern fringe of the Pinelands, thus supporting a pine forest community. Birders will find spring migrating warblers and other songbirds as well as a variety of breeding birds, such as owls, warblers, vireos and indigo bluntings.
The park offers nearly 20 miles of marked trails. Three easy hiking-only trails begin from Allaire Village or from the nearby Nature Center. The Green Tail is a 2.5-mile loop trail that begins at the village. The 0.5-mile Floodplain Trail leads from the village down to the Manasquan River. The 1.0-mile Nature Trail is a loop trail that begins at the Nature Center. Several more challenging multi-use trails for hikers, bicyclists and equestrians start at a parking area on Hospital Road, including the 4.6-mile Orange Trail, which forms a loop, the 3.1-mile Blue Trail, and the 2.3-mile White Trail. Another 4.0-mile multi-use trail is in the northern section of the park.
The park includes:
- Cross Country Skiing
- Nature Trails
- Mountain Biking / Biking
- Equestrian Trails
- Hiking / Walking
- Fishing
- Canoeing / Kayaking
- Playground
- Picnicking Areas