Gardens At Colonial Park

Established to display ornamental trees and shrubs, which grow well in central New Jersey, the Arboretum is a valuable resource to homeowners planning to landscape their properties. The section of the Arboretum located on either side of parking lot A and the Rose Garden contains deciduous and evergreen trees and larger shrubs. Here the visitor will find many species and varieties that are native to the United States, as well as Europe, Asia, Africa, South America, and the Middle East. There are also various types of dwarf conifers. Some of the genera represented are Abies (firs), Acer (maples), Carpinus (ironwoods), Picea (spruces), Celtis (hackberries), Cedrus (cedars), Aesculus (buckeyes), Cephalotaxus (plum yews), Ilex (hollies), Juniperus (junipers), Chamaecyparis (false cypress), Pinus (pines), Quercus (oaks), Sorbus (mountain ashes), and many more.
The Arboretum is of interest to students of botany and horticulture, as well as all plant enthusiasts and gardeners. It is now in the beginning stage of a multi-year planting and renewal project; each year there will be more new and interesting specimens to see.