Kirch-Ford-Terrill House

The original section of this house was most likely constructed between 1766 and 1774 by Thomas Terrill, Sr. It utilizes an H-bent frame, a hallmark of Dutch-American architecture. The house has been expanded and altered several times over the past three centuries, including two-and-a-half story four room section constructed circa 1795. After the death of Thomas Terrill Sr., his widow Tryphena married William Ford, a private in the Middlesex County Militia during the American Revolution. In the 1830s, the house was owned by Thomas Terrill, Jr., the first Clerk of Warren Township, Justice of the Peace, County Judge and County Commissioner of Deeds. In 1857 the house was purchased by German immigrant John Kirch and it remained in the Kirch Family until 1978. Since 1980 the house has been owned by Warren Township. It is now operated by the Township Historic Sites Committee and is open to the public.