Bergen County Special Services--CAPE Center

The BCSS CAPE Resource Center is Bergen County's Premier Special Needs Resource Center providing information and referrals for individuals, families and professionals.
The CAPE Center can help you access: Developmental Disabilities Resources, Transition Planning Information, Recreational Programs & Summer Camps, Mental Health Services and Early Intervention Resources and Information. Our services are provided at no cost.
The CAPE Center also offers webinars for Professionals and Parents/Individuals on a wide variety of topics related to disabilities. They also sponsor 2 monthly parent support groups; one for caregivers with children under 21 yrs. and the other of caregivers over 21 yrs. – hope you can join us soon!
Please check our website for more information.
Hope to see you soon!! Feel free to reach out to me at the BCSS CAPE Resource Center if you have any questions/concerns, etc. WE ARE OPEN 201-343-6000 x 4067 or by email at