Banyan Elementary School

Banyan Elementary School
Banyan Elementary School is a New Jersey Department of Education-approved, private, non-profit school for students whose academic and social development have been compromised by learning disabilities, and who require an intensive, individualized approach to instruction. Learning challenges can include: dyslexia; reading, decoding, and comprehension deficits; attention deficit disorder; Asperger's syndrome; visual/spatial processing disorders; moderate cognitive deficits; fine/gross motor incoordination; auditory processing dysfunction; short-/long-term memory; and difficulty with organization/study skills.
Our Curriculum
Wilson Reading System®
For students who are not making sufficient progress in their current intervention or who may require more intensive instruction due to a language-based learning disability, such as dyslexia, Banyan uses the Wilson Reading System®. Banyan School is an accredited Wilson Partner School and incorporates the tenets of the Wilson Reading Systems® into the Reading Curriculum. Wilson’s programs feature research-based, systematic, and multisensory structured language curricula to help every student succeed.
Reading classes provide students the opportunity to apply their word attack and comprehension skills. Specific comprehension classes are designed to enhance students’ expressive language and comprehension abilities. The featured comprehension programs are Lindamood-Bell’s Visualizing & Verbalizing® and Talkies®. Teachers are trained in these programs and complete ongoing professional development to keep up-to-date with the latest research.
Language Arts/Writing
The Language Arts/Writing Program offers instruction in grammar and written expression. The writing component includes personal narratives, descriptive essays, research papers, persuasive paragraphs, and expository writing.
Banyan School's Mathematics Program offers small group individualized instruction to enhance students’ mathematical thinking. Our featured programs are TouchMath® and McGraw Hill Education’s Number Worlds™. Emphasis is placed on the application of math skills to real life.
The Science Curriculum provides participatory instruction through hands-on activities. A multi-sensory learning experience is enhanced through the application of technology. Special guests such as the local 4H Club, an amateur astronomer and a paleontologist frequently visit the classroom, and relevant field trips are part of the curriculum as well. Family Science Nights and Star Parties are held throught the year for parents and students.
Social Studies
Our Social Studies Curriculum covers a wide array of topics including map skills, civics, current events, ancient civilizations, New Jersey history and American history, from the Native Americans through the Second World War. Students are engaged in multi-sensory lessons that help them grasp important concepts and make real world connections. Technology and educational videos are infused into the lessons along with hands-on projects to reinforce a student’s ability to understand history and its implications. Students learn firsthand about the election process, giving back to the community, planning activities, leadership skills, and what it takes to make important democratic decisions through Banyan School's Student Council.
School Store
Students are given the opportunity to transfer skills learned in the classroom into a real-life shopping experience. On a regular basis, all are provided guidance as they shop for healthy snacks and school supplies, using real money. While the inventory is generously donated by the PTO, students are responsible for the running of the store and learn what it takes to run a business as they keep track of profit, expenses, and inventory.
Special Subject Areas
The overall curriculum is enhanced with the provision of Health and Physical Education, Art, and Music education courses.
Social Skills
Banyan Elementary School used the Social Thinking® program by Michelle Garcia Winner which provides a framework, tools, skills, and a shared language program to improve social competencies. This program specifically focuses on the rules and behaviors that help individuals interact with one another successfully and expectedly.
Related Services
Based upon individual needs, Counseling, Speech/Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy are all available for students. A therapeutic listening program is offered during the school day to students who might benefit from this approach.
Extended School Year (ESY)
Banyan Elementary School offers an annual extended School Year program annually durin