Stepping Forward Counseling Center Summer Camp

Stepping Forward Counseling Center Summer Camp for Kids With Psychological and Mental Disorders
Summer C.A.M.P. (Clinically Advanced Multi-Modality Program) offers a summer of sun, fun, and friends at their all inclusive summer camp. Each summer program runs for 8-10 weeks, with a 2 consecutive week minimum for results.
Each camper has 7 objectives: 4 group goals and 3 individual goals. The campers are assessed on their performance on these 7 objectives throughout the three or four environments the individual engages in each day. The objectives can be, but are not limited to, increasing impulse control, cooperating with peers, adapting to losing, concentration or staying on task, sharing with others and the art of conversation. SFCC uses a behavioral program to replace ineffective, inappropriate behaviors with positive and effective behaviors. Because the camp environments are similar to the camper’s natural environments, it is very likely that the behaviors taught at SFCC will generalize to the individual’s natural settings (home, school, etc.).
Modalities – Behavior Modification, Token Economy, Modeling+Rehearsal Training, Individual Behavior Therapy, Psychiatric Consultation+ Therapy, Social and Emotional Skill Training, ABA
Summer C.A.M.P. staff members are hand-selected professionals that are licensed clinical staff, master level interns, Special Education Teachers, Ph.D.’s or Recreation Therapist.
Stepping Forward Summer Camp, is ideal for children and young adults ages 4 and up with mild to moderate learning, emotional and behavioral difficulties. From horseback riding, sports, yoga, kickboxing, art therapy, therapeutic drama and much more, our summer camp is filled with nothing but good-for-the-soul fun. The ultimate goal of our Summer C.A.M.P is to teach our clients everyday life skills, such as mindfulness, attention to tasks, motor skills, teamwork, expression of emotion, cognitive skills, social interactions, positive self-image and so much more.
Their clients improve in areas of:
Social behavior
Rule following
Friendship skills
Home behavior
Academic competence
Anger control
Problem-solving skills
Stepping Forward Counseling Center (SFCC), LLC is a mental health organization with three open locations in Irvine, Yorba Linda, California and Chatham, New Jersey. We provide a safe space for children and young adults who are struggling with neuro-biological disorders, emotional issues or mental illnesses, such as Bipolar Disorder, Conduct Disorder, ADHD/ADD, OCD, Anxiety, Depression, etc. SFCC offers highly effective mental health services, programs and summer camps (Stepping Forward Therapeutic Summer Camp) to clients residing in Southern California and New Jersey. Our staff of highly compassionate and knowledgeable mental health specialists are experts in the evaluation and treatment of emotional and mental ailments. SFCC is passionate about helping young children, adolescents and their families improve their quality of life.